RECAP 2021 – 2022
New Energy Coalition is halfway through its strategic period (2021-2024). A great reason to look back on two years full of developments. Watch the introduction video by our management below and enjoy the read.

March 2021
We organised the National Energy Debate around to the Dutch House of Representatives elections.

March 2021
ERIG welcomes New Energy Coalition to their network.
April 2021
Publication 1e edition Monitor ‘Talent in Focus’ in Dutch.
September 2021
Business School is developing Europe’s first accredited (CPION) postgraduate course in hydrogen in collaboration with Brunel.
January 2022
Business School’s 20th anniversary!
March 2022
Business School starts 10th edition of most successful Executive Programma ‘Energy Trends & Innovation’.
June 2022
Rebranding New Energy Coalition and its brands New Energy Academy and New Energy Business School (formerly Energy Delta Institute).

June 2022
Final conference and conclusion of Energy College project (Gas2.0).
December 2022
Awarding RVO grant Project Duwaal HYGRO of 11.8 million.
March 2021
We organised the National Energy Debate around to the Dutch House of Representatives elections.

March 2021
ERIG welcomes New Energy Coalition to their network.
April 2021
Publication 1e edition Monitor ‘Talent in Focus’ in Dutch.
September 2021
Business School is developing Europe’s first accredited (CPION) postgraduate course in hydrogen in collaboration with Brunel.
January 2022
Business School’s 20th anniversary!
March 2022
Business School starts 10th edition of most successful Executive Programma ‘Energy Trends & Innovation’.
June 2022
Rebranding New Energy Coalition and its brands New Energy Academy and New Energy Business School (formerly Energy Delta Institute).

June 2022
Final conference and conclusion of Energy College project (Gas2.0).
December 2022
Awarding RVO grant Project Duwaal HYGRO of 11.8 million.
Together with our partners we are working on the energy transition for a sustainable future. Only through collaboration we can make a difference. Our partners each offer their expertise, knowledge and resources to accelerate the energy transition from their role as Strategic Partner, Programme Board Member or as Community Member.

In this period
31 partners
participated in our 3 programme boards
We have
116 organisations
as members of the New Energy Community
Programme Board Member
Our Programme Board Members have been embedded in our organisation for a long time – they are involved in shaping our direction and strategic choices through our programme boards Green Molecules, System Integration and Human Capital. In 2021 and 2022, we welcomed ten Programme Board Members to the coalition.
Community member
Our New Energy Community connects a broad network of companies, knowledge institutions and governments. It provides an opportunity to share knowledge, put ideas on the agenda, jointly develop projects and keep abreast of the latest energy developments. In 2021 and 2022, the following organisations signed up as new Community Members:

Investing in research and innovation is crucial to accelerating the energy transition. We do this by boosting, initiating, coordinating, connecting and participating in international projects that focus both on acquiring knowledge and on the concrete implementation of innovative techniques. These projects are developed and implemented in cooperation with, and sometimes commissioned by, our coalition partners. We ensure a balanced portfolio within our focus areas ‘Green Molecules’ and ‘Systems Integration‘, but are always actively looking for topics and challenges that are underdeveloped in projects to date. Below are updates on some larger and/or notable projects.
Noord-Holland Noord region
The North Holland North region is an important part of our work area. Here, New Energy Coalition takes an area-specific approach – think global, act local, in close cooperation with the local development organisation NHN, the province of North Holland and the municipalities of Den Helder, Hollands Kroon and Alkmaar.
Hydrogen and green gas have enormous potential for the sustainable transformation of business parks, the agricultural sector, shipping and heavy transport sector in the North Holland region. Moreover, integrating the energy systems will in addition help reduce the current problems in grid congestion.

Research in the HyDelta programme now shows that a positive business case for green hydrogen will be achieved much faster than initially anticipated and that safe large-scale transport and distribution of hydrogen seems feasable with (re)use of existing infrastructure. Dutch Minister Rob Jetten of Economic Affairs and Climate was officially handed the first copy of the interim report: Hydelta 1.0.
Cities have a vital role to play in tackling climate change by significantly reducing their carbon emissions. Within the MAKING-CITY project, two cities have been identified to lead the way as model cities: the cities of Groningen (NL) and Oulu (Finland). Many tangible innovations are now seeing the light of day in this project, such as in Groningen, for example demonstration houses, a solar footpath and bike path and more.
In 2020, New Energy Coalition and many partners in the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe launched the HEAVENN programme, founding Europe’s first EU-recognised Hydrogen Valley. International developments prompt the creation of multiple hydrogen valleys in Europe (and beyond) and international connections. HEAVENN is widely acclaimed (awarded EU Hydrogen Valley of the Year in 2022) and considered an example for setting up a regional hydrogen ecosystem. Indeed, this is where the entire value chain is in view: production, transport, storage and application in making manufacturing industry, mobility and the built environment more sustainable.
Although the ConsenCUS project is halfway through its term, not much has been communicated about the project in 2022. That’s because most of the preparatory work on the mobile demonstration units is mainly taking place at the engineering-drawing table, with a view to conducting the first test on site later on. Last year, the first community events were organised in Greece, Denmark and Scotland. This is to explore the impact of CCUS on the adjacent communities. The project has submitted its first interim evaluation to the grant provider (H2020).
Historic cities have many regulations ensuring the protection of their historic buildings. This is, at the same time, an obstacle to technological innovations and complicates energy management and green mobility in cultural heritage cities. One of the objectives of the POCITYF project is to develop specific solutions and tools for historic buildings to reduce their energy consumption and distribute within the district. The cities of Evora (Portugal) and Alkmaar (NL) act as ‘lighthouse cities’ in the project.
In collaboration with technical partners, we created fact sheets presenting solutions, and grouped into 4 energy transition tracks: Positive Energy Buildings and Neighbourhoods, P2P Energy Storage and Management, E-mobility integration into smart grid, and citizen-driven co-creation. Click here for the current state of affairs.
We contributed to
56 projects
as (co)initiator or (lead)partner
30 new projects
as (co)initiator or (lead)partner
25 SME's
in projects that we (co)initiated
Was allocated
€ 119.810.997
to the projects in which we are actively involved
Of which
€ 36.047.359
has been allocated to us or our partners
The energy transition requires not only the proper knowledge, but also sufficient and well-trained work force. New Energy Coalition is committed to training people with the knowledge and competences the energy transition requires. We offer a wide range of supporting training opportunities. From lectures and master classes to executive education and in-company training. Students at vocational and university level can attend our New Energy Academy. Professionals deepen their energy knowledge and business skills through our New Energy Business School. Through an interdisciplinary approach and education at different levels, we offer lifelong learning opportunities. In 2021 and 2022, enthusiasm for energy education grew, enrolments increased and, as New Energy Coalition, we contributed to the development of appropriate and up-to-date energy education. Furthermore, in 2022 we introduced the New Energy Traineeship and the first young professionals have started. Next to that we are active in education projects such as Hydrogen Works (launched in 2021) and the Energy College/Gas 2.0 project was successfully completed.
New Energy Academy
During this period, the name of Energy Academy was changed to New Energy Academy and the educational programme was expanded. Participants can now map out their own learning trajectory by following different programmes and specialisations. Furthermore, together with education partners we showed what the city of Groningen has to offer in terms of energy jobs and education through the city´s promotional campaign ‘Energize Your Future’.
New Energy Busines School
COVID-19 provided the Business School with restrictions in organising their on-site courses during this period. The war in Ukraine lead to cease cooperations with Gazprom with immediate effect. The school´s name Energy Delta Institute was abandoned and, on the occasion of the school´s 20th anniversary, the more fitting name ‘New Energy Business School’ was introduced. The educational offering was further expanded with the first officially accredited course: the Postgraduate Programme in Hydrogen. Furthermore, we developed a Virtual Reality Tour to support our educational programmes.

We organised
136 learning activities
through our Academy
In total
6.822 participants
took part in these learning activities
We handed out
224 certificates
to the participants of the Academy
24 countries
we hosted speakers for the Academy
The number
best-attended lecture of the Academy was Hydrogen Demography
1.088 professionals
educated by the Business School
In this period, many events took place at organisational level. Below is the most important information between 2020-2022.
Organisational changes
With the introduction of thematic Programme Boards in this period, a consultation and cooperation structure has been found for New Energy Coalition partners. With the international scope being increasingly covered through projects, the International Advisory Board was disbanded at the end of 2021. Given the growing international hydrogen developments, Mr. Patrick Cnubben was appointed non-executive Director of Hydrogen Strategy in 2022, freeing up his hands to continue positioning our coalition in hydrogen developments.
Supervisory Board and Foundation Board
There were several changes in the Supervisory Board due to the expiry of the terms of office of Joop Volkers, Henk Pijlman and Max van den Berg. They were succeeded by Peter den Oudsten, Wim Pouwels and Wilma Mansveld (chair), respectively. During this period, in addition to its regular duties, the Supervisory Board assisted the organisation during an eventful period. The same applies to the Foundation Board where the founding partners play an active role in monitoring the organisation´s course and choices.
The biennial employee satisfaction survey (MTO) was conducted in autumn 2022. We made good strides, compared to 2020. The public focus on transgressive behaviour prompted New Energy Coalition to formulate a code of conduct as; under EU rules this document was integrated with the policy. From mid-2022, an external -professional- confidential counselor has been appointed.
Works Council
In 2021, the first Works Council served the last year of its 4-year term. In this term, important groundworks was done with the integration of 3 organisations into 1 integral employer and the transition to unified terms and conditions of employment. A company pension scheme, a salary structurea, and organisational tools were worked on together with management and HR. A big job, in an organisation that had to find its way.
The new Works Council taking office after elections on 1 February 2022, was able to build on this. Various issues were taken up in cooperation with HR. The organisation keeps on moving ahead: still plenty to do!
Sustainability Team
An active, achievable and realistic sustainability policy is a given, or should be, for an organisation these days – especially if, like New Energy Coalition, it operates in the field of energy transition. New Energy Coalition’s own Sustainablity Team is gradually becoming a signalling, agenda-setting and policy-supporting factor. After previous initiatives such as sustainable catering at (internal and external) events and sustainable customer relations management, a nice step has been taken this period and the submitted proposal for sustainable travel is being made into policy.
Marketing & Communication
Communicating about a cluster (network) organisation like New Energy Coalition is complex and demands well thought precision. Positioning the organisation and communicating about it is an evolving process. During this period current and clear principles have been established. The most visible elaborations are:
- Strengthening of the branding of New Energy Coalition by unambiguously positioning the former three separate brands with the main brand New Energy Coalition and, underneath, the brands New Energy Academy and New Energy Business School (formerly Energy Delta Institute). We now work from an integrated communication concept ‘Drivers of Change’ with a redefined corporate identity;
- Various relationship management tools (website, project player, brochure and CRM) were developed;
- Evolving our events increasingly to a more professional and expanding on the events, featuring the New Energy Forum festival as an example in addition to the Career Event and Wind meets Gas symposium.
people participate in our events
Did we have a total of
on social media
Were we mentioned in
press-releases and (online) articles